It’s Sunday and we are at the Aqua Yacht Harbor Marina in Mississippi. We have finally entered the Tenn-Tom Waterway to Mobile. Only 448 miles to go and we’ll be able to sail the rest of the way home. We anchored out for three nights with a pit stop at Clinton Marina. Very down home Tennessee folks. Each evening and morning Juan was dinghy-ed onto shore as promised. He rewarded us with quiet nights. Maybe this will work out after all.
Spoke the S/V Scotia, anchored in a lovely cove on the Tennessee. Brenda and Hugh are from Scotland and are slowly making their way to the South Pacific. Save travels to them.
We passed through our third lock, The Pickwick Lock and Dam, elevating us 80 feet. The lock master took us right away and put us at a good mooring so we had no turbulence. Turbulence is greater on the way up. All the rest of the locks are down. Twelve more to go. I’ll be honest with you I was dreading the Pickwick but it was easy as pie. Being courteous and listening to the lock master’s directions helped immensely. Todd Smith was his name and he came out to visit with us. He and his wife are expecting their first child.
We’ve been out of touch because Virgin Mobile has let us down. Any advice y’all?
We maybe later arriving than planned, will try to call as soon as we are able.
Sorry the pics are out of order but ....
Got to strike while the wifi is hot. Over and out.
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