leaving Green Turtle Bay

the cove where Juan decided to swim ashore

a building for grain storage, they couldn't destroy it when the Dam flooded the Tennessee.
This is Wednesday. We had a lovely day on Monday. Beautiful crystal clear skies and anchored in a romantic little cove. Lots of birds and trees. Saw eagles, a wood duck, herons, blue and green. Slept well, arose early had coffee and watched the day take shape. All cats quiet in the night. We let them roam the boat as we made ready. Jack started the engine, I looked for all cats, no Juan. Searched the boat, no Juan. Shut down, called and called, he called back....... FROM THE SHORE! Unnoticed, he slipped into the water and swam ashore. So we had to launch the dinghy, and Jack rowed it ashore to get him.
Resumed our journey and got as far as Pebble Isle Marina, mile marker 95.6 on the Tennessee. Love the cove, but a snake-like channel to enter. Folks very nice and easy. Courtesy car to get supplies in New Johnsonville, a pizza for dinner as it was getting late. Just getting into bed when a rain squall blew in, causing the straps holding the mast to sing a whole german opera. :). Juan cried all night to be let out. Around 4:30am I
got up, fed the lot and Juanie calmed down. I fear the young gray one is not happy with the cruising life, but we’ll keep working on him. I don’t want to lose him and perhaps its our stress over losing him that feeds his restlessness.
So far the Tennessee River is beautiful, though because it’s so wide its kinda boring too. There are lots of sailboats up here because of the Kentucky Lake and this part of the Tennessee has so much sailing room. The season is over and we see very few boats.
The engine has been running hot and thanks to Nick we have a solution, so guess Jack will work on that and we’ll leave tomorrow. Perhaps Juan will get his fill of land for awhile. We are right next to the Johnsonville Historic Park, so a nice place to walk. Lots of Civil War History in these parts.
Hope all of you are keeping well. Cell phone service is mostly non existent, but the wifi is usually pretty good. At Pebble Isle they are using Wild Blue, not that great a service. Very spotty. Gray and wet today, a two cup coffee morning.
Funny story. We had just gotten underway when Maggie appeared in the cockpit. She started to prowl around and headed to the bow to get under the life raft. But being restless she was soon back, only to go forward once again. On her second trip back she investigated the large open hatch in the middle of the cabin top. She decided that that would be a good place to be. Now, all our hatches have screens, lovely heavy screens, but, wait for it, all are attached with velcro. Now we saw her going there and called out to her, I was at the wheel and Jack was relaxing with Mickey and Ridley, so, too far to get to her. She had just curled up nicely when the screen gave way and down into the boat she went. Laughter, much laughter, but behind our hands so she wouldn’t get offended. I’m chuckling even now as I write this.