Monday, October 7, 2013


the shoreline at the dock

sunset at an anchorage in Bay Spring Lake

Maggie through the dodger

“Miles from nowhere 
I guess I'll take my time 
Oh yeah, to reach there “

That song kept going through my mind as we settled into Columbus Marina here in Mississippi. But, Columbus, the town is not nowhere, fortunately. We have the services of a fine diesel mechanic who came out to diagnose the problem and who comes Thursday to put us right again. It’s a big expensive job and that will be hard on the cruising kitty, but it must be done.

Frankly, we are somewhat glad for the break in the travels, we’ve been going long and hard since we sold the house in August. This time lets us get familiar with the other systems on the boat and gives the cats a much needed break as well. We’ve met some super good folks. Canadians and Texans, some of our favourite people :)

We have the use of a car and I’ve already found the nearest movie house, so off to see Rush and Gravity. There’s a lovely Recreational area within a few minutes walk where I can do a little Tai Chi. And because the government is shut down, no one is there. The weather which was rainy all day Sunday, the dregs of TS Karen, has turned clear and cooler. Definitely Autumn weather.

Love and miss you all, I know you are sending us good vibes. 

Another funny cat story: Juan and Jack and Ridley, on the first night here, went walking down the dock to the shore which is lined in clumps of water hyacinths and lily pads. Juan was so anxious to get on land, he couldn’t wait for the gate to open. He now knows the perils of mistaking clumps of water hyacinths for dry land. Yup, he got another soaking. All in all though, he’s having fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your eye for detail is as wonderful as ever ... nice photos ... better than nice :) ... especially like the portrait of Maggie through the dodger.

The travails of the trip down the rivers seem like a blessing in disguise allowing the NM's hidden issues and quirks to come to light in protected waters. It will be nice when we can wish you fair winds :)