In case of trouble, Maggie is prepared
Keeping warm
At our anchorage at 63.8 on the coldest morning, 19 degrees
A little icing on the boat
A recycling plant
Anchorage at MM 12.2, in the marshes
something stealth-like
The BAR-B at the free dock, Mobile convention center.
In Mobile Bay
hitching a ride
getting cleaned up after the long voyage |
At the dock
This blog is dedicated to Chris Ryals, and the guys at Columbus Diesel. Chris was the mechanic who discovered the problems and did his best for us. He brought us to the shop to see for ourselves the damage done, he patiently answered all our questions even the minor ones. He taught us all we need to know to keep this engine running like new for many years. I wish nothing but the best for him and his family. We also thank T.Caldwell, Jimmy and the young fellas at Columbus Marina. We were safe and treated well at the marina while we waited for our new engine. T. towed us the 20 miles to Columbus, put us in a covered slip near to shore, got us in touch with Chris and got the crane that took the old Universal out and put the new one in. He was a good help in so many ways.
After two of the coldest mornings ever!!! we made the coast and tied to a dock at Turner Marina in the Dog River, Friday, Nov. 29 around noon. Nine days traveling and 71.4 hours on the new engine. We missed Thanksgiving Day but what’s that saying? Oh yeah, “we’d rather be sailing”! or motoring and heading south, at that point, even better. S/V Scotia, who I mentioned in an earlier blog, are here, so we finally got to meet Brenda and Hugh in person after VHF-ing with them a couple times.The mast will be stepped on Tuesday and we should be heading to Tarpon, 451 miles away, BUT we’ll be sailing. Juan is slowly coming to understand the boat, hope he’ll like the sailing part better. Mickey fell in the water again, but after drying himself, he climbed in the bed with us. I’ve dosed him with echinacea/goldenseal and sprayed his sneezing nose with colloidal silver solution. Another cold morning but the sun should warm us up handily if the wind doesn’t blow.
Thank you all our family and friends. You kept our spirits from sinking too low. Mummy, thanks for your support and prayers. My brother Andrew in Bermuda, who took time to give us advice about the engine. Donna, the wine helped tremendously, lol. Gail the books are awesome as usual. Pete and Sandy on their big adventure in New Zealand, chatting whenever possible. Phone calls from Shane and Gene and the friends at Mar Marina.
I’ll blog again once we get over to the panhandle of Florida.